A detailed description of the program and the application is published in the Request for Proposals.
Step-by-step instructions , with screen-shots, on how to use the online application are also available. Here is the critical information:
You may work on the application incrementally, but you must mark each task Complete before you will be able to Review and Submit the Application.
Watch for messages from SM-Apply. People using the Focused/Other or Clutter boxes in Outlook may find some of the confirmation emails going to their Clutter/Other boxes. You can make adjustments to those boxes. For more information, please consult: https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/focused-inbox-for-outlook-f445ad7f-02f4-4294-a82e-71d8964e3978.
For administrative inquiries regarding the DIG program, questions about requirements or deadlines contact Kathleen Koch, kjk@uwm.edu .
For assistance with using the SM-Apply application system please review the vendor FAQ:
https://help.smapply.io/hc/en-us/articles/115001445354-Completing-an-Application-FAQ .
For other technical questions about the SM-Apply application system or issues with the budget spreadsheet, contact Shane Dunlap, jsdunlap@uwm.edu
Program Summary:
The Discovery and Innovation Grant (DIG) is an internal seed funding program that is intended to lead to competitive external proposals at a minimum of three times the DIG award amount. The program prioritizes:
- Proposals from early career researchers.
- Proposals that involve new lines of inquiry from mid-career researchers who have a history of external funding success.
- Projects that do not have significant overlap with proposals that have already been submitted to funders.
- Investigators who do not have significant external funding balances.
Applicants must have a UWM faculty appointment or an academic staff appointment of at least 50%, Principal Investigator status, and the expectation of a continuing/renewed appointment for at least three years. Lead PIs may submit only one proposal per application cycle, although they can be co-PIs on other proposals. As a lead PI you may apply for the DIG or the ARC program this year, not both. Those who received a DIG award as a PI or co-PI with a start date of July 2022, 2023, or 2024, those who are a PI on a current ARC award, and those who have not submitted a final report for a past internal award are ineligible to apply for the current DIG funding cycle.
Budget limit: Direct costs up to $70,000
UWM Discovery and Innovation Grant (DIG) Program
A detailed description of the program and the application is published in the Request for Proposals.
Step-by-step instructions , with screen-shots, on how to use the online application are also available. Here is the critical information:
You may work on the application incrementally, but you must mark each task Complete before you will be able to Review and Submit the Application.
Watch for messages from SM-Apply. People using the Focused/Other or Clutter boxes in Outlook may find some of the confirmation emails going to their Clutter/Other boxes. You can make adjustments to those boxes. For more information, please consult: https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/focused-inbox-for-outlook-f445ad7f-02f4-4294-a82e-71d8964e3978.
For administrative inquiries regarding the DIG program, questions about requirements or deadlines contact Kathleen Koch, kjk@uwm.edu .
For assistance with using the SM-Apply application system please review the vendor FAQ:
https://help.smapply.io/hc/en-us/articles/115001445354-Completing-an-Application-FAQ .
For other technical questions about the SM-Apply application system or issues with the budget spreadsheet, contact Shane Dunlap, jsdunlap@uwm.edu
Program Summary:
The Discovery and Innovation Grant (DIG) is an internal seed funding program that is intended to lead to competitive external proposals at a minimum of three times the DIG award amount. The program prioritizes:
- Proposals from early career researchers.
- Proposals that involve new lines of inquiry from mid-career researchers who have a history of external funding success.
- Projects that do not have significant overlap with proposals that have already been submitted to funders.
- Investigators who do not have significant external funding balances.
Applicants must have a UWM faculty appointment or an academic staff appointment of at least 50%, Principal Investigator status, and the expectation of a continuing/renewed appointment for at least three years. Lead PIs may submit only one proposal per application cycle, although they can be co-PIs on other proposals. As a lead PI you may apply for the DIG or the ARC program this year, not both. Those who received a DIG award as a PI or co-PI with a start date of July 2022, 2023, or 2024, those who are a PI on a current ARC award, and those who have not submitted a final report for a past internal award are ineligible to apply for the current DIG funding cycle.
Budget limit: Direct costs up to $70,000